Monday, May 16, 2011

Baby 'A' { 11 days new }

I LOVE newborns!!

This sweet little girl was just 4 lbs. making her the smallest baby I have ever photographed. Come to think of it, she was the smallest baby that I have ever even held! She was just so snuggly and sweet. I'm really super excited that I will be able to watch her grow over the next year since she is part of my 'Baby Plan'! So I'm sure that you will be seeing much of her in the future, YAY!

Enjoy the peek!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Growing my business by Facebook

For those of you who know me, you know that I love facebook! I have to say that over the last year my photography business has grown by leaps and bounds because of it! It it weren't for fb this client would have never found me....well it just would have taken her longer I guess!

I love to post sneak peeks from their session on there for my clients and they love it too! Their friends and family get to see them and then contact me for a session too! I'm grateful for this free advertisement!!

Enjoy this little sneak peek!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mama's Little Red-Head!

I am so glad that I had the pleasure of photographing this sweet mama and her adorable little ones! It was great getting to know her and I hope that our friendship will continue.

I had a blast during our session...aren't these little red -heads just the cutest?!?!

Enjoy your sneak peek Ellie!