Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Baby 'A' is 3 months old

Remember this little one from a few months ago? She was just 4 lbs when she was born and look at her now, growing like a weed! She didn't want to give me much of a smile during her photo session, she was sleepy and it didn't help that is was so HOT out!! This first image of her with her daddy is the most precious picture, LOVE it!

Meet Maebry...

I have been photographing newborns like crazy!!

I have to tell you I LOVE every minute of it too!!

I was so happy when this mama contacted me to photograph her new little one, I have done sessions for 3 of her friends! Once again the power of Facebook and really great clients!

Lauren, I hope that you enjoy your sneak peek!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Meet the 'O' Family.

This family was so much fun to work with...really different working with older kids! They sit still and hold the pose, it goes so much faster! ha!

I love photographing little kids, but I must say it was a nice change from working with the little ones.

I am looking forward to photographing the oldest son this fall, for his upcoming senior session!

Meet my nephew, Gavin James Reimer.....

This post has lots of pictures for a sneak peek......because I am introducing my nephew, Gavin!! Isn't he just precious?!!! Love him!

It was great to go visit my brother and sister-in-law and do a photo session at their house! I even managed to get a few shots of them as a family of four!!

My boys are in awe of him and so am I!