Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Life in the Military {The Next Chapter}

Sneak Peek for The 'O' family

As I sit here and type about this amazing family I have tears in my eyes thinking about them.

I met them about 3 years ago at FBCO, and have had the privilege of photographing them twice!! Anyone who knows the Odum family, knows how great they truly are!! The closeness and love that this family shares is shown in every way. They have touched my life and so many of the lives around them and I don't think that they even realize it!

I hope that they do now! :)

I am so happy that the military brought them to this area, and even more thankful for our friendship over the last few years. At the same time I am very sad to see them move on with their journey of living the Military Life.

Good Luck Odum family~
You will be missed here by all.
I hope that your journey eventually brings you back this way!!

Enjoy your sneak peek from your session

I love this picture (below) for many reasons

1. The cute little feet that I see

2. The sweet smiles on 3 faces

3. That fact that little Sean wants nothing to do with this photo

That's better

1 comment:

Blessed Wife and Mom said...

These are sooo beautiful of my sister and her family!!! What you wrote made me cry! They really are wonderful!!!!! :0)