Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summertime FUN!

The other day on Facebook my friend posted a bucket list that she created for her and her kids to do this summer. I thought this was a fabulous idea, so I decided to crate one for our family too! I always have good intentions to do fun things with the boys, but then finding the time or remembering what is was that we wanted to do and never end up doing anything! The boys are getting older and get bored easy now a days!

So this year we are going to stick to this list and cross them off as we go!

*I have a mommy bucket list consists of organizing every room and closet, including the basement and the garage! Not nearly as much fun as the boys' list!!

Today was Strawberry Picking!!

I challenge you to make one too!

Here is our list!

Summer Bucket List 2011
1. Go Geocaching
2. Go Camping
3. Catch fireflies
4. Fishing
5. Fly a kite
6. Picnic under the Arch
7. Bowling
8. Go out for Breakfast
9. Strawberry Picking
10. Make Strawberry Jam
11. Boating with the family
12. Go to the STL City Gardens
13. See fireworks (4th of July)
14. Ozarks?
15. Bake a treat
16. LEGOLAND- Chicago
17. Go to the Drive-In
18. Make Play-doh
19. Go to the Fair
20. Cardinals Game
21. Have a Sleepover with the boys friends
22. Water Balloon Fight
23. Have a Family Game Night
24. Get ice cream from the Ice Cream Truck
25. Summer Workbooks
26. Make a craft
27. MO Botanical Gardens
28. Cousin Fun Day!!
29. Swimming
30. Go to Grandma & Grandpa Reimer’s Farm for a week
31. Summer Reading program at the Library
32. Have a Family Movie Night with popcorn and candy
33. Draw with chalk in the driveway
34. Ice Cream for dinner
35. Family Bike Ride
36. ZOO
37. Roller Skating
38. Muny
39. Make a Fort
40. Six Flags
41. BBQ with Friends
42. Paint on a Canvas

(I have a project that I want to do, so I thought the boys could create their own canvas too)
43. Build Marshmallows Structures
44. Lemonade Stand…..will have to do this with friends!
45. Laugh A LOT and Keep a Photo Journal of all we do!!!!!

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JR said...
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