Thursday, July 14, 2011

Precious Baby "L"

Meet sweet baby "L" - she belongs to my husband's colleagues, Rachel and Wayne.

I was very excited about this session for a couple of reasons: 1) because I love newborns and 2) I haven't had the pleasure of photographing anyone from my husband's office yet! Thank you for this opportunity! I had a wonderful time getting to know each of you and spending the morning photographing your new bundle of joy!

Now on to the sneak peek!!


The flowers were a great addition to the session; they were from Rachel's own garden!

Nice touch Rachel :)

I LOVE this baby cradle!! It was handmade by Wayne's dad. What a wonderful thing to have in the family for many generations to come!

1 comment:

Nurse Betty said...

Beautiful pictures of a beautiful baby girl. "L" is my niece and you did a fantastic job!!