Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sneak Peak of Jillian's 1 year photo shoot!

Yesterday, I went to my friend Jennifer's house for a photo shoot with her gorgeous daughter, Jillian. Although she doesn't officially turn 1 until Oct 8th (which is also my son's birthday) we went ahead and took her 1 year pictures. During the session Jillian decided that it was time to start walking!!! LOL

Jennifer and I were both amazed at how she just took off, she is still a bit uneasy on her feet, but defiantly is walking!

Jillian was in such a great mood and was so much fun to photograph! Here a few of my favorites from our shoot.....enjoy!

Thank you Jennifer

She wasn't sure about the cake at first, but after she figured out that she could paint the floor with it she was in Heaven!!

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