Sunday, September 13, 2009

*Sneak Peak* of K & G's wedding

Last weekend I photographed my VERY first wedding and I had such a great time doing it. At first it was a little bit nerve racking, but once I got into it I had a hard time stopping myself!! LOL ;)

I learned so much, a few things that I would change, but a few things that worked really well and will try again! That is if I have the opportunity to shoot another wedding! Which I really hope that I do! Thank you Kristin and Geoff for trusting me with your wedding day! Enjoy the pictures! More coming soon!

This one has got to be one of my favorites of Kristin!!!

crack me up!

The girls bouquets were absolutely gorgeous!!!

The married couple

All I can say is I LOVE this one!!!

Exchanging of the rings

Her dress was so beautiful......

I tried to get all of the detail of it in this picture!

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