Sunday, October 11, 2009

Kaleb is 6!!!!!

Well my oldest turned 6 the other day! I meant to post this on October 8th, his actual birthday, but things have been a little bit crazy around here! I still can't believe that he is only feels like yesterday that he was born! Everyone tells you enjoy it while you can, because it goes by so fast!! It is so true.
A few of things that you love:
  • Lego's
  • Star Wars
  • playing Wii
  • soccer (playing flag football right now, not loving it as much as I thought you would)
  • School and learning how to read
  • CANDY :)
  • Watching TV (sometimes a little too much)
  • Eating.....sometimes I feel like that is ALL you do!
  • playing with your brother
  • Spending time with your family
Here are a few pictures of the boys that I took at the end of the summer.
Happy 6th Birthday Kaleb!!
I love you

Here is my little monkey!!!

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