Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Do you see what I see?

Over the weekend we headed up to Alton twice, to watch the Wintering Bald Eagles!
It was amazing to see the Eagles out in nature. We have seen them at the Zoo and at the World Bird Sanctuary, but never just out in the open so free and flying around. It was really neat.
On Saturday we went up to Grafton to eat and then to watch the Eagles. We saw so many, but most of them were out on the river just chillin'. The boys had fun looking up in the trees for Eagles. Kaleb really got into it. Brayden had fun, but couldn't really see much. The drive up and down the river was so pretty.
Sunday was Tony's birthday and it was such a gorgeous day out, we wanted to do something outside. Since we probably wouldn't be out for awhile with a blizzard warning heading in this week with freezing temps.
We decided to go see some more Eagles and the boys were thrilled! This time we knew the good spots to go to. I think that we are going to make this an annual tradition and will have to take my parents along with us next year! My mom LOVES Eagles and would enjoy seeing them in person.
Maybe next year I will have a new camera with a super great lens to get even better pictures! One can only hope! :)
One SUPER large Eagles nest!!!!
Love this lighthouse!
Kaleb looking for the Eagles
A picture of one HUGE bird...we couldn't figure out what kind it was. All we know is that it was on of the biggest birds we have ever seen. The wing span on this bird was an amazing sight to see! The picture does not do it justice.
Our pretty drive up the Mississippi River heading towards Grafton.
It reminded us of being out in California on the coast. Even though neither one of us have ever seen that in person! LOL
Another pretty little lighthouse in Grafton, IL

The beautiful St. Louis skyline on our drive home on Hwy. 255


Devin Noel Phototography said...

love love love this post!!!!! Alton is really pretty! We used to (back in the day) take our bikes out on the bike trail out there, it was a great work out and really beuatiful at the same time. And Ive always thought that about that spot off the road there looking like CA! LOL great pic, great idea!

Unknown said...

Love the pictures!! There is a place that we go riding 4wheelers that is along the Illinois River and Matt saw several eagles the other day when he was out there. I was hoping to make my way out there soon to get some pictures. They are amazing!

Greg and Shara said...

Beautiful pictures, Michelle! We enjoyed our trip there, too!

Tiffany said...

Cute Pics! :) Actually just took a field trip out there on Thursday. Pretty cool place!