Sunday, January 23, 2011

My boys Valentine's Session

I love how these pictures turned out!! There are so many cute ones I couldn't pick a few to post so I posted all of my favorites.
I can not wait to make their Valentine's cards. I really don't think that Kaleb will want to pass them out at school , but Brayden will have no choice. lol
My friends and The Grandparents will be getting them for sure!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Maddie's "Modeling" Session

This is my good friend Wendy's daughter, Maddie!! Isn't she absolutely GORGEOUS?!!
I really think she should be a model!
Maddie was wonderful during this session , changing outfits, changing hair accessories, doing poses, and she even came up with a few of her own!! I know that we both had so much fun during this session.
Thank you Wendy and Maddie,
Enjoy your sneak peek!

We even did a few Valentine's pics for cards!

I LOVE this collage that I created for her mom!

All of the amazing bows, hair accessories and zebra pettiskirt came from my friend Whitney! She is an extremely talented stay at home mommy, to 3 adorable daughters!

Check out her Etsy site for more great items! I posted the link below

She also does in-home parties. :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Snow day!!

Yesterday the boys had a "Snow Day"! Kaleb came home from school on Wed. saying we are going to have a snow day tomorrow because Ms. Stephens said so! LOL
Well she was right!
Needless to say he was ecstatic when he woke up to 4" and still snowing!

The boys thought that it would be fun to ride their new
E-Z Rollers in the snow!
It didn't work out how they had planned! HA

One of our pretty evergreen trees!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

'D' is Three!!

'D' is 3!! I can't believe that this little sweetie is already three. Where does the time go?
This is my friend Aimee's daughter. I was really excited when she asked to do this session, I love to photograph my friends kids!!
Here are a few of my favorites from her session the other day!

Big sister 'E' wanted to show her how it was done!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I am pretty sure that Lego's are taking over my boys' bedroom! And they seem to be collecting more and more of them lately!
At least it will keep them busy for hours at a time.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Never ending!!!

The pile of the never ending Laundry!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Zoe Girl

Zoe kept me on my toes today.
She is a very funny, and busy little 18 month old girl!
I have had the pleasure of photographing her 3 times now and have loved every time!
Thanks to her mama for bringing her favorite music with her today!
I hope to see her again when she is two!

This picture (above) cracks me up!! She was pouting.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Do boys ever pick up anything?

This is what my living room floor looks like most of the time! Gotta love boys!