Saturday, January 8, 2011

Project Life

I had the pleasure of giving back!
A few months ago I decided that I wanted to do something special for the girls at a local Maternity Home in O'Fallon, IL. I met Kristen when she came to speak at my women's Bible Study at our Church. She really touch my heart and I prayed that I could do something for her. I knew just what that was!
On an unseasonably warm day in December we did her maternity session and on New Year's Day I met her brand new handsome little guy! This sweet thing had a rough entrance into the world and had to stay 8 days in the NICU. He had the cord wrapped around his neck and wasn't breathing when he was born. He is doing great now and is just the sweetest thing ever!!
Thank you Kristen for this opportunity.

1 comment:

michelle said...

Prayers are needed for this little guy!! I found out he is back in the hospital with RSV! :(